Summer Solstice  Gathering

Summer Solstice Gathering

Join us in celebration when we honour the Sol, in the longest day of the year. Create a flower crown, receive the magic of a traditional drum ceremony, bask in the healing properties of sound and receive the magic from the Sun!

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Bridge to the Spirit Kingdom

Bridge to the Spirit Kingdom

$360 pp

Ever wanted to know how to communicate with the Spirit Kingdom?

In this profound workshop, you will BE able to use your senses to seek the guidance and insight needed to communicate with your BEings of Light, Angles and Spirit Guides.

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The Healing Oracle Psychic Readings

The Healing Oracle Psychic Readings

This Sunday 2nd July

The Golden Apple Imbil

Bookings Essential

45minute session - $100

What does your future hold?

Are you on the right path ?


“ I always remember the session we had together. What is also amazing I had a session with a lady from America today who has been on Oprah and she told me the same thing you told me in that session we had and I said I have heard that before ❤️.”

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Psychic Readings

Psychic Readings

This Sunday 2nd July

The Golden Apple Imbil

Bookings Essential

45minute session - $100

What does your future hold?

Are you on the right path ?


“ I always remember the session we had together. What is also amazing I had a session with a lady from America today who has been on Oprah and she told me the same thing you told me in that session we had and I said I have heard that before ❤️.”

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Foundation with Ashlee Rose
to Apr 10

Foundation with Ashlee Rose

I am delighted to be hosting Ashlee Rose final Australian live Foundation Class before she moves to Europe

The class is listed on the Access Consciousness Class registration page

This class changed my life and I know it will change yours too.

If you have a desire to create more consciousness for yourself and or the planet this is for you.

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Channelling THE LIGHT with Linda and Lucinda

Channelling THE LIGHT with Linda and Lucinda

Who is ready to receive direct messages from “The Light’ (infinite consciousness). All messages will be translated from the Light Language into english. If you have never experienced direct channelling this will BE a goosebump experience for all ……

Questions about Life, Work, Relationships, Family….As well……….. Linda (physic/medium/Light Channel) will channel and clear any past life experiences stopping you from receiving all that you came here to BE!

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21 Day Centring Challenge
to Aug 31

21 Day Centring Challenge

Join me and the “Universal Keepers of the Light” in a 21 day centring challenge

I will direct channel from Infinite Consciousness for 21 days to bring you back to you

This challenge is for you to create some space within your mind, body and soul

Reconnecting you to you………………………………………..

Join me live on FB, INSTA, TIK TOK or Spiritual Minds Realm (private page FB)

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Phoenix Rising- Spiritual Minds Realm Retreat
to Jan 15

Phoenix Rising- Spiritual Minds Realm Retreat

Just as a phoenix rises from the ashes, release the old and arise anew during this 2 day new year retreat.

This is your invitation to ignite your spiritual talent . Designed to reclaim you, the Being you came here to BE, you will be guided through workshops, meditations, body movement and yoga plus being nourished with wholesome foods to firstly cleanse, then transform your mind, body and spirit.

You will receive private sessions daily of key elements designed to find you, then guide you to your Phoenix and at last discover your spiritual gifts.

Explore retreat options here

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Access Bars class

Access Bars class

This class will be co-faciliated with Ashlee Rose

Anxious, stressed, depressed?

Would you like to clear all the junk in your head?

Access a sense of peace you’ve never experienced before?

Delete the beliefs stopping you from creating the life you’ve always know is possible?

Wake up excited to get out of bed every morning?

Did you know, 98% of the things that stick us in our life, that keep us repeating the same patterns over and over again, are energetic- limiting beliefs and points of view we're not even conscious of.

And did you know, there is a technique called the Access Bars® which can clear all of the junk in your head, easily and effortlessly- without having to know where it all comes from- and you can learn this technique in just one-day?


32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release all the junk in your head. It’s like hitting the delete button on your computer. All of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, limiting beliefs and subconscious programming keeping you stuck, keeping you repeating the same patterns in your life over and over again, are released.


After a Bars session people report:

  • Greater FUN, PEACE, JOY & EASE in every aspect of their life,

  • People or situations that once ‘drove them nuts’ no longer bother you or cause problems,

  • Relief from stress, anxiety, PTSD and depression,

  • An easier time for kids and adults in social, academic and emotional situations,

  • Improved health | Greater connection and joy within relationships | Improved sleep | Increased motivation | Weight loss | A heightened awareness (intuition), and much more.

At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.

This class is a one-day, hands-on class in which participants learn the Bars points and participate in gifting two Bars sessions and receiving two Bars sessions. At the end of the one-day training you are also a qualified Bars® practitioner, which means you can use this technique on clients after just one-day, if you wish! How does it get any better than that?

You will receive a manual to take home as well, with lots of additional tools you can use to create more joy in your life!


  • Saturday 18th December | 9:30am - 5:30pm AEST.


  • Woombye, Sunshine Coast QLD.


  • $360 ($180 for repeat pricing).


  • A manual to take home with you.

  • 2 colour head charts.

  • A certificate of completion.

  • Morning / afternoon tea and drinks provided!

For more information about the Access Bars®:

For more information on the one-day training:

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Access Bars® Certification Training

Access Bars® Certification Training

32 Points on your head to stop the mind junk and allow you to have ease and clarity in your life.

Join Linda Neilson in this full day training where you will actively learn by gifting and receiving the Bars technique twice, plus unpack a manual full of life changing Access Consciousness tools.

As an Access Consciousness Core Class, standard pricing applies.

$360 Adult (18yrs+)

$180 Repeat Pricing

$180 (Teens 16&17yrs)

Kids 15yrs & Under - Free

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